Monday, December 31, 2007

Huckabee's New Year's Message

Live with Huckabee - working notes
Mike Huckabee says a negative campaign was pulled an hour from being launched this afternoon.

Huckabee says he 'll sleep with peace in his heart even though its not the conventional political thing.

If we gain the whole world and lose our soul, how has that profit us?

the kind of difference we really want to make is one where its safer.....more civil...that we love America more than we hate each other.

The smaller the government the more empowered people can be....

Huckabee ended with, let's show the world how politics should be done.

Veterans speak about hardships

December 29, 2007

50 veterans got their message across to various representatives of some of the presidential candidates yesterday evening: Put veterans first. An intimate group of more than 50 veterans joined together at the Holiday Inn in Des Moines, Iowa to hear different speakers describing the plight of homeless and mentally ill veterans.
Marine veteran, Ken Dohmen spoke about his work with veterans through the Central Iowa Shelter & Services, a homeless shelter. Dohmen said CISS accepts anyone older than 18, but that veterans make up about 30 percent of the individuals the shelter takes in. Dohmen's business card states "preserving human dignity."

Dohmen said he served during the Vietnam War and participated in evacuations from Cambodia.

(footage and narrative by Heather)

Caucus! The Musical- a feel good message (with humor)

Caucus! The Musical was shown today at 7pm in the State Historical Building. I unfortunately had to attend on my own, but still thoroughly enjoyed myself. The show was colorful and very humorous, yet held a serious message for caucus-goers. We all have the same basic goals: we want what's best for our families and our communities; and we can work together to accomplish them instead of fighting against one another. Overall, it was a great show that I wouldn't mind seeing again if I had company.

(State Historical Building in Des Moines)

(footage and narrative by Crystal Rose)

Barack Obama Speaks in Des Moines

Before Barack Obama approached the stage I jotted down a few thoughts posted in my Branson Missouri Blog.
Obama sounded solid with a subtle stab at Senator Hillary Clinton positioning himself as an outsider to t he political arena and an insider to the struggles of the common man. Shots focused towards Senator John Edwards.

When Obama asked how many people were undecided a good 20 percent of the standing room only crowd raised hands. A third of the people showed by raising their hands that this was the first time they intended on caucusing for a candidate.

Ron Paul Supporters Trump Huckabee's local ABC news coverage

After making a few phone calls from the Ron Paul Des Moines office, I and a kid nicknamed Monk went outside for a break and saw some reporters on the opposite street corner. When asked, they said they were shooting a story on Huckabee, whose rarely bustling office is a door down from Ron Paul's. Monk had the idea that we should come out with signs and parade in front of the camera. Turned out to be a great idea, and after being slightly annoyed and actually requesting that we stay quiet, the cameramen decided to use us as part of their story by showing the contrast between the Ron Paul supporters and the complete lack of Huckabee campaigners.

(Footage and narrative by Crystal Rose, production by Heather Turner)