Thursday, January 3, 2008

Senator Dodd Concedes Democratic Presidential Candidate Bid

Senator Dodd's speech

Iowa Caucus Begins

(Photo by Darin Codon John Hannity plays guitar with Gov. Mike Huckabee on Bass)

The Republican base is nervous tonight. At lot of emphasis is being placed on who will take the number three spot tonight.

Their greatest fear is Rep. Ron Paul gaining traction and placing third here in Iowa.

Earlier this year Paul sued the Republican Party of Iowa for using didgital vote counting methods instead of having a physical ballot during the Republican Straw Poll.

Polls of caucus goers favor Gov. Mike Huckabee going into the final stretch. Romney seems to hold the hearts.

Huckabee points out Romney outspends him 20 to 1 in Iowa.
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Sam Donaldson explains how to conduct a political interview

The footage above is of Sam Donaldson from press headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa.

(footage by Darin Codon)

McCain Supporters turn out to see him speak

(footage by Heather Turner)

John McCain Photo Op

(photo by press handler with my camera)

I told McCain that I enjoyed working within his campaign. He sincerely and warmely thanked me. It was an absolute pleasure meeting him, even if it was brief.

McCain Speaks at Iowa Headquarters

McCain talks about Washington corruption and pork barrel spending. Holding the pen Ronald Reagan gave to him, McCain said he would veto any bill containing pork-barrel spending and make any persons attaching such extra spending measures famous.

McCain rallies his supporters with messages of bi-partisan efforts to 'work for America.' This has been a common theme throughout his campaign.

Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) also appeared to speak in support of McCain's candidacy. Brownback recently dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed the Arizona senator. Jay Heine, Senior Grassroots advisor at the Iowa headquarters said he and many other Brownback supporters moved on to support Senator McCain.

Brownback mentions McCain's fiscal conservative stance against pork-barrel spending.

Brownback talks about McCain's pro-life stance and ability to lead.

The Turner Report: Iowa caucus results: a slap at conventional wisdom

The Turner Report: Iowa caucus results: a slap at conventional wisdomThe article by Randy Turner details Federal Election Commission (FEC) data.

McCain answers press pack questions

Surrounded by the press pack, McCain stays cool and answers questions about his time in Iowa and cleaning up Washington.

(footage by Heather Turner)

McCain gives an interview in the main office room.

(footage by Heather Turner)

Senator John McCain's Message to Iowa Voters

McCain shows his sense of humor here as he departs from the Iowa campaign headquarters on Caucus Eve. A couple of the local anchor men doing stand-ups were very loud, and one of the staff joked, "Don't they have microphones?"

Tim Russert Photo Op

Last night at the John McCain Iowa headquarters, all the big-wig networks showed- naturally. Its a relatively small place, but it was packed to the brim. I spotted Tim Russert and George Stephanopolous and managed to get a photo with Russert.

Are you an Iowan with a phone?

Chances are if you live in Iowa, you have received at least one phone call from a campaign. Those calls may have gone something like this:

Ron Paul script

John Edwards scripts

Edwards coding

Hillary Clinton script

Clinton coding

Clinton script

John McCain script/coding

Heather's question to Bill Richardson

Presidential Candidate, Governor Bill Richardson (D-NM), made a stop at a home in Des Moines Sunday to answer supporters and undecided voters' questions. I asked how he would prevent abuses of presidential power.

(footage by Alex Strohman)

Veteran speaking for McCain

Joel Arends, Iraq War Veteran, speaks on behalf of Senator John McCain at Saturday's Circle of Friends for American Veterans.

(footage by Heather Turner)

2008 Iowa Caucuses Photos




News networks from around the world are already filming live from the Polk County Convention Center in Des Moines Iowa. An individual workspace costs 200 bucks but the coffee and wine is free in the Google You Tube lounge. The photo above was shot before Sam Donaldson gave a report on how to ask political questions to candidates (video uploading).
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Hillary's Des Moines Camp

(footage by mix master muffin)