Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mitt Romeny - Abortion perspective in 2002

Mitt Romney on Abortion in 2008 while campaigning for voters. Romney endorses Pro-Choice laws and keeping the age of consent at 2002.
Romeny says his stance on Abortion was formed after his mother took the stand when she made a senate run.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Martin Luther King Day - US Politicos 2008 (9 of 10)

Barrack Obama speaks at Dr. King's Church. The night before Martin Luther King Day 2008, Barrack Obama delivered this speech at Dr. King's former church.

Full Transcript: Barrack Obams Speech "The Great Need of the Hour"

Martin Luther King Day - US Politicos 2008 (10 of 10)

Bill Clinton Falls asleep during Martin Luther King Day speech.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Polls and More Polls - Precursor to Clinton - McCain win in South Carolina (Part 2)

Saturday, January 19
Race PollResultsSpread
South Carolina Republican PrimaryReuters/CSpan/Zogby McCain 27, Huckabee 26, Romney 16, Thompson 12, Paul 4, Giuliani 3McCain +1
Nevada Democratic CaucusReutersC-Span/Zogby Clinton 45, Obama 39, Edwards 6Clinton +6
South Carolina Republican PrimarySurveyUSA McCain 31, Huckabee 27, Romney 17, Thompson 16, Paul 5, Giuliani 2McCain +4
South Carolina Democratic PrimarySurveyUSA Obama 46, Clinton 36, Edwards 15Obama +10
Democratic Presidential NominationAP-Ipsos Clinton 40, Obama 33, Edwards 13Clinton +7
Republican Presidential NominationAP-Ipsos McCain 22, Huckabee 16, Romney 16, Giuliani 14, Thompson 9, Paul 4McCain +6
Democratic Presidential NominationCNN Clinton 42, Obama 33, Edwards 17Clinton +9
Republican Presidential NominationCNN McCain 29, Huckabee 20, Romney 19, Giuliani 14, Thompson 9, Paul 6McCain +9

Friday, January 18
RacePollResults Spread
South Carolina Republican Primary InsiderAdvantage McCain 26, Huckabee 26, Romney 13, Thompson 13, Paul 5, Giuliani 5Tie
South Carolina Republican PrimaryAmerican Res. Group McCain 26, Huckabee 33, Romney 9, Thompson 21, Paul 2, Giuliani 3Huckabee +7
South Carolina Democratic PrimaryAmerican Res. Group Obama 45, Clinton 39, Edwards 10Obama +6
South Carolina Republican PrimaryFOX News McCain 27, Huckabee 20, Romney 15, Thompson 11, Paul 4, Giuliani 3McCain +7
Florida Republican PrimaryInsiderAdvantage McCain 20, Giuliani 21, Romney 20, Huckabee 13, Thompson 7, Paul 6Giuliani +1
Florida Democratic PrimaryInsiderAdvantage Clinton 42, Obama 34, Edwards 9Clinton +8
Nevada Democratic CaucusReuters/CSpan/Zogby Clinton 42, Obama 37, Edwards 12Clinton +5
South Carolina Republican PrimaryReuters/CSpan/Zogby McCain 29, Huckabee 22, Romney 15, Thompson 13, Paul 4, Giuliani 2McCain +7
South Carolina Republican PrimaryMason-Dixon McCain 27, Huckabee 25, Romney 15, Thompson 13, Paul 6, Giuliani 5McCain +2
South Carolina Democratic PrimaryMason-Dixon Obama 40, Clinton 31, Edwards 13Obama +9
Florida Democratic PrimaryResearch 2000 Clinton 50, Obama 28, Edwards 13Clinton +22
Nevada Democratic CaucusMason-Dixon Clinton 41, Obama 32, Edwards 14Clinton +9
Nevada Republican CaucusMason-Dixon Romney 34, McCain 19, Huckabee 13, Giuliani 6, Thompson 8, Paul 7Romney +15
California Republican Primary RasmussenMcCain 24, Romney 17, Giuliani 11, Huckabee 13, Thompson 13, Paul 6 McCain +7
California Democratic Primary Rasmussen Clinton 38, Obama 33, Edwards 12 Clinton +5
General Election: Giuliani vs. Clinton Rasmussen Giuliani 42, Clinton 45, Und 13Clinton +3
General Election: Giuliani vs. Obama RasmussenGiuliani 41, Obama 47, Und 12 Obama +6
Florida Republican Primary Research 2000 McCain 26, Giuliani 22, Romney 16, Huckabee 17, Thompson 7, Paul 5McCain +4

Thursday, January 17
RacePollResults Spread
South Carolina Republican Primary Rasmussen McCain 24, Huckabee 24, Romney 18, Thompson 16, Paul 5, Giuliani 3Tie
South Carolina Democratic Primary RasmussenObama 44, Clinton 31, Edwards 15 Obama +13
South Carolina Republican Primary SurveyUSA McCain 29, Huckabee 26, Romney 17, Thompson 17, Paul 5, Giuliani 3McCain +3
Massachusetts Republican PrimarySurveyUSA Romney 48, McCain 34, Giuliani 8, Huckabee 3, Thompson 2, Paul 2Romney +14
Massachusetts Democratic PrimarySurveyUSA Clinton 56, Obama 23, Edwards 14Clinton +33
South Carolina Republican PrimaryAmerican Res. Group McCain 33, Huckabee 23, Romney 20, Thompson 13, Paul 1, Giuliani 4McCain +10
South Carolina Democratic PrimaryAmerican Res. Group Obama 44, Clinton 38, Edwards 9Obama +6
New Jersey Republican Primary RasmussenGiuliani 27, McCain 29, Romney 10, Huckabee 10, Paul 5, Thompson 6 McCain +2
New Jersey Democratic Primary Rasmussen Clinton 45, Obama 27, Edwards 11Clinton +18
South Carolina Democratic Primary Insider AdvantageObama 41, Clinton 31, Edwards 13 Obama +10
South Carolina Republican Primary Reuters/CSpan/Zogby McCain 29, Huckabee 22, Romney 12, Thompson 14, Paul 5, Giuliani 5McCain +7
Florida Republican PrimaryStrategic Vision (R) McCain 27, Giuliani 18, Romney 17, Huckabee 20, Thompson 10, Paul 5McCain +7
Florida Democratic PrimaryStrategic Vision (R) Clinton 45, Obama 39, Edwards 11Clinton +6
General Election: Romney vs. ClintonRasmussen Romney 41, Clinton 47, Und 12 Clinton +6
General Election: Romney vs. Obama Rasmussen Romney 37, Obama 49, Und 14Obama +12
Democratic Presidential NominationPew Research Clinton 46, Obama 31, Edwards 13Clinton +15
Republican Presidential NominationPew Research McCain 29, Huckabee 20, Romney 17, Giuliani 13, Thompson 9, Paul 6McCain +9
South Carolina Republican PrimaryClemson McCain 29, Huckabee 22, Romney 13, Thompson 10, Paul 6, Giuliani 3McCain +7
Pennsylvania Republican PrimaryKeystone Poll McCain 30, Giuliani 14, Huckabee 12, Thompson 8, Romney 7, Paul 2McCain +16
Pennsylvania Democratic PrimaryKeystone Poll Clinton 40, Obama 20, Edwards 11Clinton +20

Wednesday, January 16
RacePollResults Spread
South Carolina Republican Primary Reuters/CSpan/Zogby McCain 29, Huckabee 23, Romney 13, Thompson 12, Paul 6, Giuliani 5McCain +6
Democratic Presidential NominationReuters/Zogby Clinton 39, Obama 38, Edwards 9Clinton +1
Republican Presidential NominationReuters/Zogby McCain 28, Huckabee 23, Romney 13, Giuliani 9, Thompson 14, Paul 4McCain +5
Democratic Presidential NominationHotline/FD Clinton 38, Obama 35, Edwards 13Clinton +3
Republican Presidential NominationHotline/FD McCain 32, Huckabee 17, Romney 15, Giuliani 12, Thompson 7, Paul 4McCain +15
General Election: McCain vs. ObamaHotline/FD McCain 39, Obama 41, Und 11Obama +2
General Election: McCain vs. ClintonHotline/FD McCain 47, Clinton 43, Und 7McCain +4
General Election: Huckabee vs. ObamaHotline/FD Huckabee 30, Obama 53, Und 11Obama +23
General Election: Huckabee vs. ClintonHotline/FD Huckabee 39, Clinton 48, Und 10Clinton +9
General Election: Romney vs. ObamaHotline/FD Romney 26, Obama 56, Und 12Obama +30
General Election: Romney vs. ClintonHotline/FD Romney 37, Clinton 49, Und 9Clinton +12
General Election: Giuliani vs. ObamaHotline/FD Giuliani 33, Obama 54, Und 7Obama +21
General Election: Giuliani vs. ClintonHotline/FD Giuliani 40, Clinton 50, Und 7Clinton +10
General Election: Giuliani vs. EdwardsHotline/FD Giuliani 31, Edwards 48, Und 14Edwards +17
General Election: McCain vs. EdwardsHotline/FD McCain 47, Edwards 39, Und 11McCain +8
General Election: Huckabee vs. EdwardsHotline/FD Huckabee 31, Edwards 47, Und 15Edwards +16
General Election: Romney vs. EdwardsHotline/FD Romney 33, Edwards 48, Und 13Edwards +15
Nevada Republican CaucusAmerican Res. Group Romney 28, McCain 21, Huckabee 8, Giuliani 11, Thompson 13, Paul 9Romney +7
Nevada Democratic CaucusAmerican Res. Group Clinton 35, Obama 32, Edwards 25Clinton +3

Tuesday, January 15
RacePollResults Spread
Michigan Republican Primary Reuters/CSpan/Zogby Romney 26, McCain 27, Huckabee 15, Paul 8, Thompson 6, Giuliani 3McCain +1
Michigan Republican PrimaryAmerican Res. Group Romney 30, McCain 31, Huckabee 19, Paul 9, Thompson 4, Giuliani 3McCain +1
Michigan Democratic PrimaryAmerican Res. Group Clinton 56, Uncommitted 31Clinton +25
Michigan Republican PrimaryMitchell Research Romney 35, McCain 29, Huckabee 12, Paul 4, Thompson 4, Giuliani 3Romney +6
Florida Republican PrimarySurveyUSA McCain 25, Giuliani 23, Romney 18, Huckabee 18, Thompson 9, Paul 4McCain +2
Florida Democratic PrimarySurveyUSA Clinton 56, Obama 23, Edwards 14Clinton +33
California Democratic PrimarySurveyUSA Clinton 50, Obama 35, Edwards 10Clinton +15
California Republican PrimarySurveyUSA McCain 33, Romney 13, Giuliani 18, Huckabee 14, Thompson 9, Paul 4McCain +15
Oklahoma Republican PrimarySurveyUSA Huckabee 31, McCain 29, Thompson 13, Giuliani 11, Romney 8, Paul 3Huckabee +2
Oklahoma Democratic PrimarySurveyUSA Clinton 45, Edwards 25, Obama 19Clinton +20
General Election: Huckabee vs. ClintonUSA Today/Gallup Huckabee 45, Clinton 51, Und 2Clinton +6
General Election: McCain vs. ClintonUSA Today/Gallup McCain 50, Clinton 47, Und 1McCain +3
General Election: Huckabee vs. ObamaUSA Today/Gallup Huckabee 43, Obama 53, Und 1Obama +10
General Election: McCain vs. ObamaUSA Today/Gallup McCain 50, Obama 45, Und 2McCain +5
New Jersey Democratic PrimaryMonmouth/Gannett Clinton 42, Obama 30, Edwards 9Clinton +12
New Jersey Republican PrimaryMonmouth/Gannett Giuliani 25, McCain 29, Romney 9, Huckabee 11, Paul 5, Thompson 5McCain +4
Alabama Republican PrimaryU. of S. Alabama Huckabee 25, McCain 22, Thompson 9, Romney 8, Giuliani 5, Paul 3 Huckabee +3


Polls and More Polls - Precursor to Clinton - McCain win in South Carolina

Polling Data
PollDateSample ClintonObamaEdwardsSpread
RCP Average01/09 - 01/17-41.3 33.212.8Clinton +8.1
AP-Ipsos01/15 - 01/17453 RV4033 13Clinton +7.0
CNN 01/14 - 01/17448 RV423317 Clinton +9.0
USA Today/Gallup 01/11 - 01/131021 LV453313 Clinton +12.0
Reuters/Zogby 01/11 - 01/13459 LV39389 Clinton +1.0
Pew Research01/09 - 01/13 621 RV463113Clinton +15.0
Hotline/FD01/10 - 01/12380 LV 383513Clinton +3.0
CBS News/NY Times01/09 - 01/12508 LV 422711Clinton +15.0
ABC/Wash Post01/09 - 01/12423 LV 423711Clinton +5.0
CNN01/09 - 01/10443 RV 493612Clinton +13.0
USA Today/Gallup01/04 - 01/06499 A 333320Tie
Pew Research12/19 - 12/30556 RV4626 14Clinton +20.0
FOX News 12/18 - 12/19RV492010 Clinton +29.0
NBC/WSJ 12/14 - 12/17Adults452313 Clinton +22.0
USA Today/Gallup12/14 - 12/16 513 A452715Clinton +18.0
Rasmussen 12/13 - 12/16750 LV402713 Clinton +13.0
Reuters/Zogby 12/12 - 12/14436 LV403213 Clinton +8.0
Hotline/FD12/10 - 12/14 336 LV353014Clinton +5.0
ARG12/09 - 12/12600 LV 412213Clinton +19.0
Battleground12/09 - 12/12LV 472313Clinton +24.0
CNN12/06 - 12/09RV40 3014Clinton +10.0
ABC/Wash Post12/06 - 12/09429 LV5323 10Clinton +30.0
CBS News/NY Times 12/05 - 12/09417 LV4427 11Clinton +17.0
AP-Ipsos12/03 - 12/05469 RV4523 12Clinton +22.0
LA Times/Bloomberg 11/30 - 12/03529 LV4521 11Clinton +24.0
USA Today/Gallup 11/30 - 12/02494 A392415 Clinton +15.0
Rasmussen 11/28 - 12/01750 LV372415 Clinton +13.0
AP-Pew 11/20 - 11/26467 LV482211 Clinton +26.0
Rasmussen 11/15 - 11/18750 LV412413 Clinton +17.0
Reuters/Zogby 11/14 - 11/17545 LV382713 Clinton +11.0
FOX News11/13 - 11/14 397 RV442312 Clinton +21.0
Gallup 11/11 - 11/14485 A482112 Clinton +27.0
American Res. Group11/09 - 11/12 600 LV462111Clinton +25.0
Cook/RT Strategies11/08 - 11/11376 RV 392212Clinton +17.0
AP-Ipsos11/05 - 11/07 474 RV452212Clinton +23.0
NBC/WSJ11/01 - 11/05 Adults472511Clinton +22.0
CNN11/02 - 11/04 467 RV442514Clinton +19.0
USA Today/Gallup11/02 - 11/04 508 RV502215Clinton +28.0
Rasmussen11/01 - 11/04 750 LV412213Clinton +19.0
Newsweek10/31 - 11/01433 RV 432412Clinton +19.0
ABC/Wash Post10/29 - 11/01598 A 492612Clinton +23.0
Marist10/29 - 11/01385 RV 481710Clinton +31.0
Quinnipiac10/23 - 10/29742 RV47 2112Clinton +26.0
Zogby10/24 - 10/27527 LV3824 12Clinton +14.0
FOX News 10/23 - 10/24329 RV4225 13Clinton +17.0
Pew Research 10/17 - 10/23837 RV452412 Clinton +21.0
LA Times/Bloomberg 10/19 - 10/22469 LV481713 Clinton +31.0
Rasmussen 10/18 - 10/21750 LV492212 Clinton +27.0
CBS News*10/12 - 10/16 456 RV512313 Clinton +28.0
USA Today/Gallup 10/12 - 10/14500 A502113 Clinton +29.0
CNN10/12 - 10/14 485 RV512115 Clinton +30.0
Reuters/Zogby 10/10 - 10/14426 LV46259 Clinton +21.0
American Res. Group10/09 - 10/12 600 LV452013Clinton +25.0
FOX News10/09 - 10/10 377 LV501811Clinton +32.0
Rasmussen10/04 - 10/07 750 LV422612Clinton +16.0
Gallup10/04 - 10/07488 A 472611Clinton +21.0
AP-Ipsos10/01 - 10/03482 A 462511Clinton +21.0
ABC News/Wash Post09/27 - 09/30592 A 532013Clinton +33.0
AP-Ipsos09/21 - 09/25631 A 402612Clinton +14.0
Rasmussen09/20 - 09/23750 LV 402815Clinton +12.0
CBS News*09/14 - 09/16Adults 432216Clinton +21.0
Gallup09/14 - 09/16531 A47 2511Clinton +22.0
Reuters/Zogby09/13 - 09/16LV3521 10Clinton +14.0
Pew Research 09/12 - 09/16568 RV422514 Clinton +17.0
Cook/RT Strategies09/13 - 09/15 405 RV362318 Clinton +13.0
FOX News09/11 - 09/12 396 RV432413 Clinton +19.0
AP-Ipsos 09/10 - 09/12482 RV432313 Clinton +20.0
American Res. Group09/09 - 09/12 600 LV392115Clinton +18.0
NBC/WSJ09/07 - 09/10 Adults442316Clinton +21.0
CNN09/07 - 09/09Adults 462316Clinton +23.0
NYT/CBS News*09/04 - 09/09Adults 442617Clinton +18.0
USA Today/Gallup09/07 - 09/08500 LV 452416Clinton +21.0
Rasmussen09/05 - 09/08750 LV 432216Clinton +21.0
ABC News/Wash Post09/04 - 09/07Adults 412714Clinton +14.0
Rasmussen08/23 - 08/26750 LV 402117Clinton +19.0
FOX News08/21 - 08/22335 LV 35236Clinton +12.0
Gallup08/13 - 08/16Adults4221 11Clinton +21.0
Quinnipiac 08/07 - 08/13717 LV36219 Clinton +15.0
Rasmussen 08/09 - 08/12750 LV432312 Clinton +20.0
American Res. Group08/09 - 08/12 600 LV362116Clinton +15.0
CBS News*08/08 - 08/12 492 LV452514Clinton +20.0
CNN08/06 - 08/07RV 402113Clinton +19.0
USA Today/Gallup08/03 - 08/05490 A 421910Clinton +23.0
Cook/RT Strategies08/02 - 08/05376 RV 39218Clinton +18.0
Newsweek08/01 - 08/01422 RV4423 14Clinton +21.0
NBC/WSJ 07/27 - 07/30481 A4322 13Clinton +21.0
Rasmussen07/26 - 07/29750 LV4024 14Clinton +16.0
Pew Research 07/25 - 07/29623 RV4021 11Clinton +19.0
Hotline/FD 07/19 - 07/22RV393011 Clinton +9.0
ABC News/Wash Post 07/18 - 07/21Adults39289 Clinton +11.0
FOX News07/17 - 07/18 RV39239 Clinton +16.0
CBS News/NY Times*07/09 - 07/17 LV432416 Clinton +19.0
Gallup07/12 - 07/15 483 A34259Clinton +9.0
Rasmussen07/09 - 07/15 1300 LV382513Clinton +13.0
Zogby07/12 - 07/14396 LV 372511Clinton +12.0
American Res. Group07/09 - 07/12600 LV38 2516Clinton +13.0
AP-Ipsos07/09 - 07/11Adults3620 11Clinton +16.0
USA Today/Gallup 07/06 - 07/08516 RV3721 13Clinton +16.0
CBS News/NY Times* 06/26 - 06/28336 LV482411 Clinton +24.0
Rasmussen 06/25 - 06/28769 LV392613 Clinton +13.0
FOX News06/26 - 06/27 RV421910 Clinton +23.0
CNN 06/22 - 06/24450 RV352313 Clinton +12.0
Cook/RT Strategies 06/21 - 06/23378 RV322211 Clinton +10.0
Newsweek06/20 - 06/21 422 RV432714 Clinton +16.0
Rasmussen 06/18 - 06/21763 LV372513 Clinton +12.0
Cook/RT Strategies 06/15 - 06/17380 RV302013 Clinton +10.0
USA Today/Gallup06/11 - 06/14 1007 A332111 Clinton +12.0
Rasmussen 06/11 - 06/14775 LV382716 Clinton +11.0
American Res. Group 06/09 - 06/12600 LV3919 13Clinton +20.0
NBC/WSJ 06/08 - 06/11Adults3925 15Clinton +14.0
Quinnipiac 06/05 - 06/11789 LV35219 Clinton +14.0
LA Times/Bloomberg 06/07 - 06/10449 LV33228 Clinton +11.0
Rasmussen 06/04 - 06/07773 LV372511 Clinton +12.0
FOX News06/05 - 06/06 RV362312 Clinton +13.0
AP-Ipsos 06/04 - 06/06541 LV332112 Clinton +12.0
USA Today/Gallup 06/01 - 06/03470 LV293011 Obama +1.0
ABC News/Wash Post 05/29 - 06/011205 Adults35238 Clinton +12.0
Rasmussen 05/29 - 05/31738 LV342615 Clinton +8.0
Rasmussen 05/21 - 05/23559 LV352614 Clinton +9.0
NYT/CBS News*05/18 - 05/23 441 LV462414 Clinton +22.0
Zogby05/17 - 05/20 411 RV392411Clinton +15.0
Hotline/FD05/16 - 05/20 261 LV312110Clinton +10.0
Rasmussen05/14 - 05/17 788 LV352518Clinton +10.0
FOX News05/15 - 05/16 900 RV352013Clinton +15.0
Cook/RT Strategies05/11 - 05/13 402 RV322413Clinton +8.0
Gallup05/10 - 05/13489 LV 352612Clinton +9.0
American Res. Group05/09 - 05/12600 LV3922 19Clinton +17.0
Rasmussen05/07 - 05/10789 LV3533 14Clinton +2.0
CNN/Opinion Research 05/04 - 05/06454 RV3824 12Clinton +14.0
USA Today/Gallup 05/04 - 05/06491 RV3823 12Clinton +15.0
Rasmussen04/30 - 05/03760 LV3426 16Clinton +8.0
Marist 04/26 - 05/01392 RV351715 Clinton +18.0
Quinnipiac04/25 - 05/01 499 RV321812 Clinton +14.0
Cook/RT Strategies04/27 - 04/30 389 RV322415Clinton +8.0
Rasmussen04/23 - 04/26 765 LV303217 Obama +2.0
NBC/WSJ 04/20 - 04/23Adults363120 Clinton +5.0
Pew Research04/18 - 04/22 574 RV342418 Clinton +10.0
Rasmussen 04/16 - 04/19579 LV3232 17Tie
FOX News 04/17 - 04/18RV412012 Clinton +21.0
USA Today/Gallup04/13 - 04/15 504 RV312616Clinton +5.0
ABC News/Wash Post04/12 - 04/15 Adults372014Clinton +17.0
CNN04/10 - 04/12 RV302612Clinton +4.0
American Res. Group04/09 - 04/12600 LV 362419Clinton +12.0
CBS News*04/09 - 04/12392 RV 392421Clinton +15.0
Rasmussen04/09 - 04/12 774 LV323016Clinton +2.0
LA Times/Bloomberg04/05 - 04/09 557 RV332314 Clinton +10.0
Time 04/05 - 04/09493 RV332625 Clinton +7.0
Rasmussen 04/02 - 04/05774 LV3429 15Clinton +5.0
Gallup 04/02 - 04/05491 A381915 Clinton +19.0
Cook/RT Strategies 03/29 - 04/01355 RV411719 Clinton +22.0
Rasmussen 03/26 - 03/29799 LV3326 17Clinton +7.0
FOX News 03/27 - 03/28RV361813 Clinton +18.0
Time 03/23 - 03/26511 RV312416 Clinton +7.0
Zogby03/22 - 03/26 432 LV322213Clinton +10.0
USA Today/Gallup03/23 - 03/25 493 A352214Clinton +13.0
Pew Research03/21 - 03/25 614 RV352616Clinton +9.0
Rasmussen03/19 - 03/22 757 LV372517 Clinton +12.0
Rasmussen 03/12 - 03/15790 LV3530 11Clinton +5.0
Time 03/09 - 03/12682 RV342610 Clinton +8.0
CNN03/09 - 03/11 447 RV372212Clinton +15.0
Rasmussen03/05 - 03/08 783 LV382615 Clinton +12.0
AP-Ipsos 03/05 - 03/07RV382110 Clinton +17.0
NBC/WSJ 03/02 - 03/05Adults402815 Clinton +12.0
American Res. Group03/02 - 03/05 600 LV343115Clinton +3.0
USA Today/Gallup03/02 - 03/04 482 A36229Clinton +14.0
Rasmussen02/26 - 03/01 769 LV342615 Clinton +8.0
FOX News02/27 - 02/28 RV342312 Clinton +11.0
Time02/23 - 02/26 RV362411 Clinton +12.0
ABC News/Wash Post02/22 - 02/25 Adults362412 Clinton +12.0
Zogby02/22 - 02/24 LV332512Clinton +8.0
Rasmussen02/19 - 02/22 568 LV372613 Clinton +11.0
Quinnipiac02/13 - 02/19 684 RV38236 Clinton +15.0
Cook/RT Strategies02/15 - 02/18 390 RV422016 Clinton +22.0
Marist02/12 - 02/15 471 RV371711 Clinton +20.0
USA Today/Gallup02/09 - 02/11 495 A402113 Clinton +19.0
Siena02/06 - 02/09 RV451210 Clinton +33.0
Rasmussen 02/05 - 02/08435 LV282313 Clinton +5.0
Rasmussen 01/29 - 02/03448 LV3418 10Clinton +16.0
FOX News 01/30 - 01/31RV4315 12Clinton +28.0
Rasmussen01/22 - 01/25435 LV3319 10Clinton +14.0
Time 01/22 - 01/23480 RV402111 Clinton +19.0
CNN01/19 - 01/21 467 RV341815Clinton +16.0
ABC News/Wash Post01/16 - 01/19 561 A411711Clinton +24.0
Rasmussen01/15 - 01/18 386 LV312412 Clinton +7.0
Gallup01/12 - 01/14 1003 A291813Clinton +11.0
Rasmussen01/08 - 01/11 401 LV222115 Clinton +1.0
Zogby01/05 - 01/09339 LV 291413Clinton +15.0
Gallup12/11 - 12/14511 A33 208Clinton +13.0
NBC/WSJ12/08 - 12/111006 A3718 14Clinton +19.0
ABC News/Wash Post 12/07 - 12/111005 A3917 12Clinton +22.0
CNN12/05 - 12/07 612 RV37159 Clinton +22.0
FOX News12/05 - 12/06 900 RV33128Clinton +21.0
Marist11/27 - 12/03RV 331214Clinton +19.0
CNN11/17 - 11/19RV 331514Clinton +18.0
Cook/RT Strategies11/09 - 11/12RV 34209Clinton +14.0
Pew Research11/09 - 11/12RV3923 10Clinton +16.0
Gallup 11/09 - 11/12A3119 10Clinton +12.0
McLaughlin & Associates (R) 11/07 - 11/07LV27217 Clinton +6.0
CNN10/27 - 10/29 RV281713Clinton +11.0
Rasmussen (Sat) 4 Day Tracking750 LV383215 Clinton +6.0
All Commentary & News Stories
- Enough With the Reagan Nostalgia - William Kristol, Weekly Standard
- A GOP Primary In Which Every End is Loose - Mike Littwin, Rcky Mtn News
- Obama's Message Has Roots in Founders - Joseph Ellis, Los Angeles Times
- Bipartisan Bunk: Obama's Real Fairy Tale - Jonah Goldberg, New York Post
- Can Clinton or Obama Pull the Party Together? - Eleanor Clift, Newsweek
- Mostly Decent Politics - Michael Barone, RealClearPolitics
- How the White House May Be Won - in the West - David Horsey, Seattle PI
- John McCain: Not Perfect, But Electable - Wynton Hall, NRO
- Edwards's Populist Roll of the Dice - Derrick Jackson, Boston Globe
- Close Contest Could Make Edwards Kingmaker - Ben Smith, The Politico
- Democrats Struggle With Wages of Sensitivity - Noemie Emery, Wkly Std
- Will Super Delegates Sink the Dems? - Joshua Spivak, Los Angeles Times
- Obama & The Gipper - Wall Street Journal
- The Post-Ironic Campaign - Terence Samuel, The American Prospect
- Bill Clinton Shadowed by Past Battles - Peter Baker, Washington Post
- There's Something About McCain - Dean Barnett, Weekly Standard
- How Mad Are the Republicans? - Gerard Baker, Times of London
- Democrats Target Obama - Reid Wilson, Politics Nation
- GOP Contest Reveals Weakness - Ronald Brownstein, National Journal
- Blindsided by National Security? - Ed Morrissey, Captain's Quarters
- What They Call 'Progress' in Iraq - Joe Conason, New York Observer
- Culling the Republican Herd - Jennifer Rubin, Human Events
- McCain is Barry Goldwater, in Reverse - Wynton Hall, NRO
- Is Chuck Hurting Huck? - Andrew Romano, Newsweek
- Fred Needs a Win - Roger Simon, The Politico
- Hillary's Proposal to Wreck the Housing Market - Jon Birger, Fortune
- Edwards's Reality Altering Ads - John Nichols, The Nation
- How Much Does Edwards Really Love Obama? - Jay Newton-Small, Time
- The Problem with Internet Pundits - Steven Stark, Boston Phoenix
- The Perils of Identity Politics - Christopher Hitchens, Wall Street Journal
- Black Dreams, White Liberals - Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post
- Finding the Right Message Down South - Michael Scherer, Time
- Why Obama Needs Nevada - Steve Kornacki, New York Observer
- Can Romney Catch On? - Jay Cost, HorseRaceBlog
- Why Huckabee Won't Break Out - Rich Lowry, New York Post
- Conservatives Shouldn't Swing at McCain - John Kass, Chicago Tribune
- Dems Can't Ignore White Working Class - E.J. Dionne, Washington Post
- Thompson: The Anti-Soundbite Candidate - Rick Moran, American Thinker
- The Obama Paradigm - G. Terry Madonna & Michael Young, RealClearPolitics
- Trying to Explain How Voters Think - David Brooks, New York Times
- Edwards Message: Louder This Time - Marshall Allen, Las Vegas Sun
- Who's The Most Electable Democrat? - Carl Leubsdorf, Dallas Morning News
- Terror Issues Dominate GOP '08 Playbook - Thomas Edsall, Huffington Post
- Union Squabbling - Las Vegas Review-Journal
- Clinton the Right Choice - Las Vegas Sun
- McCain No Longer a Maverick in S.C. - David Paul Kuhn, The Politico
- GOP Race May Come Down to Florida - Dan Balz, Washington Post
- Can John McCain Mend Fences? - David Freddoso, National Review Online
- Huckabee Goes National on a Shoestring - Laura Meckler, Wall St. Journal
- Obama: The Visionary Minimalist - Cass Sunstein, The New Republic
- Clinton/Obama or Obama/Clinton? - Ellen Goodman, Boston Globe
- Why I Like Fred Thompson - Alicia Colon Commentary
- The Hypocrisy of Suppressing the Vote in Nevada - John Fund, WSJ
- GOP Funk Slows Turnout, Money - J. VandeHei & J. Harris, The Politico
- Will Dems Ever Acknowledge Progress in Iraq? - Mort Kondracke, Roll Call
- Democrats Winning the Debate on Taxes & Economy - Democracy Corps
- Romney And Electability - Ed Morrissey, Captain's Quarters
- In Nevada All Bets Are Off - Sasha Abramsky, Mother Jones
- Clinton Pulls Race Card, Obama May Fold - Margaret Carlson, Bloomberg
- Misstep in a Liberal Minefield - George Will, Washington Post
- Old Warrior, Go Home - Debra Saunders, San Francisco Chronicle
- In Michigan, Mitt Finally Sold the Real Romney - Byron York, USA Today
- Will Romney 3.0 Work Outside of Michigan? - Duffy & Tumulty, Time
- South Carolina is Thompson's Turn - Quin Hillyer, The American Spectator
- The Use and Abuse of Reagan - Victor Davis Hanson, RealClearPolitics
- Class, Not Race, Divides the Democrats - Marie Cocco, Newsday
- A Democratic Field Without an Executive - David Broder, Washington Post
- Clinton's 'Vetting' Attack - Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times
- Can Giuliani Get Into the Game in Florida? - Stuart Rothenberg, Roll Call
- Notes on the GOP Race - John Ellis, RealClearPolitics
- Democrats Go Upscale in '08 - Ronald Brownstein, National Journal
- Republicans' 2008 Senate Prospects Look Dismal - Washington Times
- GOP Adrift, Deeply Divided & Uninspired - Adam Nagourney, NY Times
- Romney, Reagan & Election 2008 - John Hinderaker, Power Line
- The Conventions Could Be Interesting - Ruth Marcus, Washington Post
- It's White Men Dems Ought to Worry About - Floyd Flake, NY Daily News
- On to South Carolina: An Opening for Fred? - Rich Galen, Mullings
- Will Faltering Economy Help Dems? - Bob Kuttner, American Prospect
- '08 Race May Help Repair Image Abroad - Daniel Drezner, Newsweek
- GOP Rivals Share One Bond: All Losers - Charles Hurt, New York Post
- GOP Winner: Everyone But McCain - Steve Kornacki, NY Observer
- The Huckabee/Obama Challenge - Paul Waldman, American Prospect
- Mitt Turns Left; Where's the Outrage? - Ross Douthat, The Atlantic
- Same Problem Dogs McCain - Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times
- Conservatives Should Make Peace w/McCain - Jennifer Rubin, NY Observer
- For Romney, 3rd Time's A Charm - Vaughn Ververs, CBS News
- Back to Square One for Republicans - John Dickerson, Slate
- Will Mitt's Michigan Strategy Work Anywhere Else? - Byron York, NRO
- What the Michigan Results Mean - Jay Cost, HorseRaceBlog
- GOP's Chaos is Beautiful for Democrats - Bob Moser, The Nation
- Democrats Double Down on Iraq - Jonathan Last, Weekly Standard
- Race Card Downplayed at Debate - Michael Scherer, Time
- Obama Gains Ground in Las Vegas - Noam Scheiber, The New Republic
- Clinton Will Benefit from Racial Polarization - Dick Morris, The Hill
- McCain's Failure in Michigan - John Podhoretz, Contentions
- 2008: The Recession Election - Matt Cooper, Portfolio
- The Unbearable Inanity of Tim Russert - Matt Yglesias, Washington Mthly
- Romney's Economic Optimism Prevails - Detroit News
- Mitt is Back, but One-State Strategy is Tenuous - Detroit Free Press
- Obama is Best Choice for Democrats - Las Vegas Review-Journal
